Monday, November 5, 2012

September - Project Life review

Hi everyone!!
Yes! We're back home as a "normal" week is about to start for us tomorrow. Arielle will be back to school after 3 weeks of "forced" holidays. How sad is that, right?! ;)
I am now working on my 4 November pages for Get it Scrapped but before I can show them to you though, we'll have to wait some time, so while waiting, here are some pages from my beloved Project Life album. :)

Dear September!
September was for us the end of the summer; the end of the beloved pool season. :( So sad! But on a positive note, Arielle learned to swim and that's AWESOME!! I documented it.
Also documented our beloved and very much used BBQ. :)
And an add of a French-Canadian restaurant in our area that Patrick's boss found in the newspaper and cut out for us. Sweet. :)
September is also the beginning of school, the reunion of Arielle and her dear friend Gianna, that we didn't manage to see once during the summer.
September is the beginning of dance classes that Arielle wanted to take forever!! That means new shoes: tap dance shoes and ballet shoes. Arielle is already rocking them both!! :)

September means a cruise to Bermuda.

September means Arielle going to school and Maya and I going to Starbucks.
September means Patrick's parents visiting for 3 weeks and more visits to the playground.

September was the month were I meat this lady that died the next day.... I copied and pasted the documentation had made about it over on Facebook.
September and Patrick's parents being here also meant so free evening for me, spent with some good and some new friends. AWESOME!! :)

September was Arielle's first ballet class and me peeking through the window, watching her every moves and trying to hide some tears.
September was the invention of the song "Way up high in the caterpillar tree" that I caught on video and that Arielle's teacher thought it was so funny.

September was our first time apple picking with our girls and it was so much fun. We even managed to get a family picture!!
September was also some time alone with Arielle. I brought her to TCBY after school and it felt so good for both of us!
September was Madison's birthday party and getting Patrick to meat my new friend, Melissa.
September was Unionville's fair. As we walked in the street, we met people we knew one after the other and it felt like we really belong here. It was AWESOME!

I'm so happy that I can look back at those pages and see what happened during the month of September. Isn't that awesome?? Of course, I have all my pictures on my computer and I can look at them and see thousands of pictures that would summarize september, but really, seeing it all in just 4 pages is much more! When I do my album, I don't just take the best pictures: I take the pictures that are talking. The ones that tell a story. For the other stories, the ones without picture, I write. Isn't that simple??!
Still on the fence, wondering why you should do Project Life, well, January is coming and I think that that would be the perfect time to jump in an join me (and all the other Project Lifers) in the fun. You'll never regret it!! :)

Take care!!
Marie-Pierre :)


Anonymous said...

c'est super la nouvelle configuration du blog,les plsu grandes photos=WOW, (meme si maintenant je suis pas mal plus grosse sur tes photos d'halloween ;)
bravo, j'adore le recapitulatif du mois de septembre, tu sais que tu es en train de m'avoir peu a peu avec ton PL...:D

Charline said...

J adore ton project Life. Comment fais tu pour le prendre en photo sans avoir de reflet. Moi je n'y arrive pas,vraiment.

Marie-Pierre Capistran said...

Merci Charline!!! Ca me fait plaisir de voir que tu passes encore par ici. :) Je viens de découvrir un endroit dans ma maison où il n'y a pas assez de lumière directe pour donner des reflets. J'ai cherché longtemps!! :)