Sunday, June 28, 2020

12 years old

Hi everyone!

We celebrated another birthday with another festive cake. 
Although Arielle turned 12, there seemed to be no age limit for mommy's cakes! 
She wished a cake with flowers on it, an elephant, a giraffe and so on.... I had to draw the line somewhere. 

I wasn't as organized and ahead of time this year as per the Covid 19! So the same morning I was shopping for favors and balloons. Thankfully I found some that were matching the cake and the flowers that my husband had brought from Costco the evening before. ouf!

That morning I also made a card. Thanks to already colored images, I just had to refresh the colors and add the penguin, bird and cake! Turned out perfectly fine!

For the cake, I made some fondant flowers with the kids during the week.  I made an elephant and a very modern rainbow (that kind of rainbow is to be found in every paper collection these days!) + the rainbow is the symbol that says everything is going to be ok right now. I thought it was working well.

Here are some details:

The #2 candle was recycled from Maya's 2 years old cake! And went through 4 moves - 2 overseas!

Got some matching balloons. Thankful for a party store 10 minutes away from the house! Yay for being back in the US! Try this in Paris...

Voilà! 2 friends came over. It was small, contended and perfect!! I still have nightmares from the golden birthday party in prague!! LOL 

1 comment:

Gab said...

Happy birthday to your daughter! That cake is amazing! And I love her card too!